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Page history last edited by Geane Poteriko 13 years, 6 months ago




CEP: 83413-020 – TEL/FAX: 3562-1772


 EDUCAR é realizar a mais bela

e complexa arte da inteligência.



EDUCAR é acreditar na vida,

e ter esperança no futuro, mesmo que

os jovens nos decepcionem no presente.



EDUCAR é semear com sabedoria

e colher com paciência”


(Augusto Cury)










- TEMA: “Sociedade Moderna – Influência de outros povos”

- COLÉGIO: Colégio Estadual Vila Liberdade – EFM.

- SÉRIES: 6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries do Ensino Fundamental

- DISCIPLINAS: LEM -Língua Estrangeira Moderna/Inglês e Geografia

- PERÍODO: 1º Bimestre (de 13/02/2009 a 30/04/2009)

- PROFESSORAS: Geane Poteriko da Silva e Gisele P. P. Ágata





Este projeto visa estabelecer, em sala de aula, um paralelo entre o ensino/aprendizado de Inglês e Geografia, considerando como pressuposto fundamental que o estudo da Língua Inglesa é um “passaporte para o mundo”. E, ainda, sendo este idioma um importante intermediário ao conhecimento de muitos outros povos e culturas diferentes, pode-se interligá-lo, em sala de aula, à Geografia, que trata da relação política/social com que estas culturas nos influenciam.

Assim, a possibilidade de um trabalho em conjunto nestas duas áreas de conhecimento não apenas enriquece o aprendizado do aluno, mas principalmente contextualiza o trabalho em sala proposto pelas professoras, apresentando os conteúdos desenvolvidos de forma mais completa e eficaz.





          O aprendizado de uma língua estrangeira, na sociedade atual, é de extrema importância. Com esse conhecimento, o indivíduo não se consolida apenas como um cidadão, mas como um cidadão do mundo – um mundo repleto de possibilidades, esperanças e até mesmo desafios, os quais só podem ser enfrentados e superados através da educação.

Neste cenário, deve-se considerar ainda como aspecto de extrema importância o fato de que o Inglês passou a ser considerado uma “língua universal”, o que possibilita, portanto, a inter-relação do aprendizado deste aos conceitos relacionados às questões geográficas.

Além disso, ao observar atentamente o mundo, de uma maneira geral, seja em qualquer país em que se estiver, e independente da língua materna, o idioma inglês é utilizado frequentemente nas relações sociais, e assim pode-se considerar relevante a importância do presente projeto no contexto escolar.





No cotidiano em sala de aula, ainda existem alguns estudantes que questionam: “Para que aprender inglês na escola?” A esta indagação pode-se atribuir inúmeras explicações ou respostas; entretanto, a necessidade que o ser humano possui de conhecer outras culturas e outros costumes é um fator primordial a ser mencionado neste contexto, uma vez que o aprendizado de um idioma possibilita a inclusão social do indivíduo neste mundo cada vez mais globalizado.

Além disso, a constante evolução das línguas, abrangendo especificamente os termos utilizados provenientes de outros idiomas – os estrangeirismos – suscitam alguns outros questionamentos: “É realmente ‘correta’ esta inclusão de vocábulos estrangeiros na nossa língua?”; “O que os alunos pensam a respeito do assunto?”

Desse modo, por meio da interação entre alunos e professores das disciplinas de Inglês e Geografia, este projeto busca motivar e instigar a construção do conhecimento e a aprendizagem a partir do próprio conhecimento dos alunos, levando-os, também, a buscarem novas fontes para o desenvolvimento das atividades propostas.

Sob tal perspectiva, o presente projeto se justifica na necessidade de oferecer ao aluno uma consciência crítica e transformadora da realidade, subsidiada pelos elementos integradores e pelas práticas que compõem a aprendizagem. Portanto, os elementos integradores – conhecimentos discursivos, sócio-pragmáticos, culturais e lingüísticos – estarão sempre presentes em qualquer situação de interação do estudante, seja na prática da Língua Estrangeira ou na Disciplina de Geografia.

Assim sendo, esperamos que, com este projeto, possamos contribuir para o crescimento do aluno nas discussões pertinentes às disciplinas integrantes, ampliando os seus conhecimentos, compartilhando experiências pessoais, além de valorizar sua própria cultura e respeitar as particularidades da cultura do outro.





           - OBJETIVO GERAL: - Compreender que a inserção adequada em uma sociedade, nos aspectos lingüístico, geográfico, profissional, cultural e sócio-econômico, requer a aprendizagem de um segundo idioma, percebendo o quanto e de que forma este idioma pode influenciar a língua materna e o dia a dia dos alunos, dentro e fora da escola.




            - Perceber a língua como um processo em constante transformação e adaptação.

 - Observar a presença de vocábulos estrangeiros no nosso dia a dia.

            - Identificar palavras “emprestadas” de outro idioma que foram incorporadas em nossa língua.

            - Conceituar e compreender “Estrangeirismos” (Foreign Words) e entender como estes se procedem.

           - Comparar e constatar diferentes culturas, bem como sua participação nos processos sócio-econômicos e linguísticos.

- Verificar a importância do idioma para a consolidação da cultura de um país/povo.

           - Utilizar as TICs (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação), dentre elas a TV Multimídia (TV Pendrive), DVD Player, Data Show, Câmera Digital, Internet e Página Educativa PBWiki, como ferramentas a serem exploradas para a aprendizagem motivadora da Língua Inglesa e Geografia.

- Pesquisar estrangeirismos através das novas tecnologias de informação.

- Comparar sua pesquisa com a dos colegas.

         - Conhecer e utilizar pedagógica e adequadamente a Página Educativa Wiki, visando auxiliar o estudo/aprendizado do Inglês.

         - Trabalhar coletivamente, despertando o interesse e o respeito pela opinião do outro, escrevendo colaborativamente, argumentando e compartilhando idéias e pontos de vista.

           - Comunicar-se virtualmente, através de e-mails e interação na Página Wiki, criada para o projeto.

          - Desenvolver a Intertextualidade e a interdisciplinaridade nas disciplinas de LEM - Língua Estrangeira Moderna/ Inglês e Geografia.

           - Aprender de forma lúdica e motivadora aspectos culturais e lingüísticos, bem como os conteúdos programáticos das disciplinas.

            - Entender como os outros indivíduos vivem em outras partes do mundo, alargando novos horizontes.





O Projeto divide-se em partes, distintas e interligadas, desenvolvidas nas aulas de Inglês e Geografia, conforme segue abaixo:





13/02/2009 a 27/02/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª séries): 1) Introdução ao assunto “Estrangeirismos” - Foreign Words; TEXT I: English, an international language; 2) Leitura, interpretação, debates, tradução dos textos e desenvolvimento das tasks: TEXT II: Writing Correspondende: From the papyrus and feather to the computer; TEXT III: Getting through the subject!; TEXT IV: Means of writing. (ANEXO I).

13/02/2009 a 27/02/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (7ª e 8ª séries): 1) Conceituando “Estrangeirismos” - Foreign Words; 2) Debate sobre a influência da Língua Inglesa em nossa língua materna; 3) Leitura, interpretação, debates, tradução dos textos e desenvolvimento das tasks; TEXT V: The influence of English in the Portuguese language; TEXT VI: Do you know what the expression Foreign Words means?; TEXT VII: Why is Portuguese is influenced by English?; TEXT VIII: Let’s have an overview about the history of Portuguese; Text Ix: English around the world and through the ages; TEXT X: American English or British English?; TEXT XI: English as an international language. (ANEXO II).

02/03 a 09/03

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries): 1) Levantamento de dados: Pesquisa e Aplicação de Questionário; 2) Debate sobre as questões e respostas dos alunos; 3) Elaboração de gráficos e planilhas referentes às respostas e considerações sobre a pesquisa. (ANEXO III).

10/03/2009 a 20/03/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (7ª e 8ª séries): 1) Apresentação da Página Virtual Wiki; 2) Slides expositivos; 3) Criação de e-mail individual aos alunos; 4) Atividades em grupo com os textos explicativos da Página Wiki; PBWIKI E-MAIL 1: Approval to join gepoteriko; PBWIKI E-MAIL 2: User password recovery for Pbwiki; PBWIKI E-MAIL 3: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 1 of 6 - Now, edit your wiki; PBWIKI E-MAIL 4: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 2 of 6 - Build navigation; PBWIKI E-MAIL 5: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 3 of 6 - Engage your class; PBWIKI E-MAIL 6: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 4 of 6 - Monitor Student Activity; PBWIKI E-MAIL 7: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 5 of 6 - Create private pages; PBWIKI E-MAIL 8: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 6 of 6 - Put multimedia on your wiki! (ANEXO IV).

23/03/2009 a 03/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (7ª e 8ª séries): 1) Exemplificações de estrangeirismos presentes na nossa língua e confecção de cartazes; 2) Separação e orientação dos grupos para trabalho; 3) Resumo das atividades do projeto e esclarecimentos; TEXT: Abstract of Project: “Foreign Words”. (ANEXO V).

06/04/2009 a 17/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries): 1) Procedimento para Autorização dos pais/responsáveis para o uso da Wiki: Termo de Autorização dos Pais; Termo de Comprometimento dos Alunos; 2) Execução das atividades com os alunos no Laboratório de Informática com a Página WIKI; 3) Pesquisa sobre o uso de estrangeirismos, levantamento de dados e elaboração de gráficos e planilhas. (ANEXO VI).

20/04/2009 a 22/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries): 1) Entrega dos trabalhos concluídos (Textos traduzidos e Tasks 1 a 5/ Cartazes). (ANEXO VII).

GEOGRAFIA (6ª e 8ª séries): Entrega dos trabalhos do “Project Foreign Words”  e Países europeus concluídos – Cartazes.

23/04/2009 a 29/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (7ª e 8ª séries): 1) Apresentação dos grupos e exposição dos trabalhos, na forma de Academia (Seminário). (ANEXO VIII).


LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries): 1) Exposição de todos os trabalhos à escola em mural expositivo e conclusão do Projeto. (ANEXO IX)





18/02/2009 a 09/03/2009

6ª séries: A Construção do Espaço: Ao nosso redor, Atividade humana constrói o espaço geográfico e suas transformações, As diferenças sociais, As técnicas de alteração da natureza.  (ANEXO I)

11/03/2009 a 08/03/2009

6ª séries: Sociedade moderna e Estado: Conceitos de Sociedade, Povo, nação e país; As funções do estado e sua origem. ANEXO II).


6ª séries: Apresentação do Projeto aos alunos: Exposição dos objetivos, metodologias, atividades a serem desenvolvidas, e orientações gerais, entre outros aspectos relevantes. Escolha de cada aluno do país desenvolvido do qual fará o trabalho.





18/02/2009 a 04/03/2009

8ª séries: Países do Norte e do Sul: o que são e quais são. (ANEXO III)

06/03/2009 a 18/03/2009

8ª séries: Europa: Aspectos físicos e divisões; União Européia. (ANEXO IV)


8ª séries: Europa, aspectos gerais. (ANEXO V)




8ª séries: Apresentação do Projeto aos alunos: Exposição dos objetivos, metodologias, atividades a serem desenvolvidas, e orientações gerais, entre outros aspectos relevantes. Montagem dos grupos e escolha de cada grupo dos países da Europa que serão contemplados no trabalho.








LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries) E GEOGRAFIA (6ª e 8ª séries): Encerramento do “Project Foreign Words - Estrangeirismos”.






            - Aulas expositivas.

            - Debates.

            - Pesquisas.

            - Elaboração de cartazes.

            - Aulas Lúdicas diferenciadas (com TV Multimídia, Data Show, músicas, filmes, jogos).

            - Elaboração de Planilhas e Gráficos.

            - Apresentação Teatral.

            - Seminários (Academias dos Alunos).





            Conforme anexos descritos nas atividades mencionadas nos Cronogramas.





- LEM Inglês – 6ª séries: Participação nas discussões sobre os textos, músicas, filmes e jogos trabalhados em sala; Tradução e interpretação dos textos; Trabalho em forma de Cartão Postal e Carta em versões em Português e Inglês. (OBS.: Neste último, o lançamento das notas foi feito através da soma e divisão da nota obtida nas duas disciplinas).

- LEM Inglês – 8ª séries: Participação nas discussões sobre os textos, músicas, filmes e jogos trabalhados em sala; Tradução e interpretação dos textos; Elaboração de cartazes sobre Estrangeirismos e e Influências Culturais e Linguísticas; Apresentação de seminários, em grupos, sobre os assuntos e textos  debatidos.

- Geografia – 6ª série: Avaliação Bimestral de Conteúdos; Participação nas aulas; Trabalho em forma de Cartão Postal e Carta (Português/Inglês). OBS.: Neste último, o lançamento das notas foi feito através da soma e divisão da nota obtida nas duas disciplinas.

- Geografia – 8ª série: Avaliação Bimestral de Conteúdos; Participação nas aulas; Trabalho em forma de Cartaz (Países da Europa e Influências Culturais e Linguísticas).






PERÍODO: 13/02/2009 a 27/02/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª séries)



1) Introdução ao assunto “Estrangeirismos” - Foreign Words






            Why learn English?

            Because English is the most important international language in the world. Some facts prove that: English is the international language of air and sea travels, of computing, of pop music, of politics, of science and medicine, sports, TV and films.

            The world today is a very small place. Communication and travel are extremely quick: think of Jet planes, satellite TV, telephones, telex and fax, for example.

Because of this, we need a common language, and this language is English.

English is the first language in:













And it is the official second language in many others countries like:  India, Nigeria, South Africa, Israel... English is slowly becoming more than one language, because in very country it is spoken there are differences in some vocabulary words, in some grammatical structures.

British English and American English: What is different?

Let’s see some differences:






apartment                         flat                             apartamento

automobile                       car                              carro

                      cab                                    taxi                             táxi

                      candy                                sweet                         doce

                      gás                                    petrol                         gasolina

mail                                   post                            correio

elevator                             lift                              elevador

stove                                  cooker                       fogão

subway                              underground            metrô

vacation                             Holiday                     férias


            Let’s see an example of grammatical structures difference:



        AMERICAN ENGLISH                     BRITISH ENGLISH

            - Do you have a problem?                 - Have you a problem?

   - Yes, I do.                                         - Yes, I have.

   - No, I don’t.                                      - No, I haven’t.



2) Leitura, interpretação, debates, tradução dos textos e desenvolvimento das TASKS abaixo:






A cousin of a German friend came to visit Brazil and you started flirting with her. She doesn’t speak Portuguese, but she speaks and writes very well in English. You glanced at each other and spoke a little bit with the help of your relatives. She went back to Germany and you realized that you are very interested in her. Not exactly: you have fallen in love with her!

            She wrote you the following letter in English and you want to answer it as soon as possible. However, you are very anxious because you never wrote a love letter neither in Portuguese nor in English. Besides that, you don’t have a computer, and therefore, you are not familiarized with the Internet. You can’t ask for help because you don’t want to tell anybody about this secret love. So, what are you going to do?

            Here is the letter you want to answer:






97287 Unterelsbacher Str. 4

Frankfürt, Germany

September 9th, 2005



Dear friend

I am writing because I loved having met you very much. Unfortunately, we couldn’t talk to much due to language problems. I will try to learn a little Portuguese, but I have confess, I think it’s very difficult. Why don’t you improve your English? English is very easy, besides that, it’s spoken all over the world and it can help you in your studies and profession. I enjoyed Brazil very much. It’s a pity I couldn’t stay longer, so that you could have taken me to many other nice places. I would like to know more about you because you are always on my mind and I don’t know many things about you. I would also like to know what you think of me.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Please do not take long to write back.




Your friend.



PS: Would you mind sending me a photo of yours? If you prefer, you can send me your answer by e-mail. My e-address is ca@diginet.com.de









Two thousand and five hundred years ago, in Greece, the news were delivered by messengers that ran long distances and much time was spent on arriving in their destinations.

Pheidippides was one of these messengers. Have you ever heard about his legend? He was a soldier that, according to the legend, was in charge of delivering the news about the Greek victory over the Persians, in 490 b.C.

He ran  the equivalent of 40 km from the town of Marathon to the Olympic Stadium of Athens. The route he chose became famous and set the beginning of marathons.

Nowadays, time and distance aren’t a communication problem. With the event of the computer, news is transmitted in real time and distance is shortened by the internet. However, this technological advancement brought some problems, such as the excess of mail and information, not always desirable – spam mail – and a more serious problem, digital exclusion.

Despite the computer, letters written on papers are still being used at work, for business and in people’s personal lives.

Snail mail is how the letters carried out by conventional postal delivery are named.

Can you imagine why?

From the papyrus to the computer; we have gone a long way! It is interesting to know now things evolved. During this chapter you are going to find out a little about the history of mail and writing tools.



TASK: What types of written documents do you and your family receive at home?

            (    ) personal letters                        (    ) bank statements

            (    ) business letter              (    ) leaflets

            (    ) bills                                 (    ) advertisements

            (    ) postcards                                 (    ) other: ________


·     Bring letters or other written mail to the classroom that you and your family have received lately. If possible also bring some old ones.



·         Discuss in Portuguese with your classmates the form and language of these writings. Note the format, the beginning and ending of letters, the greetings. Observe if the language used is formal or informal, if it tries to convince you of something or inform you and so forth.

·         Write wall charts in Portuguese and in English with the main features you have found in these documents.



*♥. In the English language as in Portuguese, the form of a letter varies depending on age, degree of formality etc. But the beginning and ending of a letter are as you will be able to note similar somehow. Note it!



- LETTER II: (A pen friend letter)



55 Pinson Road

Bognor regis

WU 12 2PR


July  17th, 2005



Dear Guilherme

My name is Jackie S. I’m 15 years old and I have been taken your address from International Pen Friend. I hope you will write back to me.

I’ll talk about myself. I live with my parents and I have a dog and three fish. I enjoy listening to music, reading and playing basketball. I live in a small town, but I like it. What about you?

Best whishes,




PS: I’ve enclosed a picture of me.








            Have you imagined how important is the writing in our lives? Thoughts, feelings, facts, etc. are the history of civilization itself. We are in the computer generation, but the writing history began with the cave man. They used symbols to represent events of their daily lives, such as the planting of crops or hunting victories. They also drew pictures to leave messages and to honor the spirits. Their writing instruments were stones, sharp sticks, rocks and bones, painting and, of course, the walls.

Approximately 8000 b.C., clay made portable records possible. Early merchants used clay with pictographs to record the quantities of materials traded or shipped. About 3500 to 2000 b.C., the Sumerian people who lived in the Middle East used a writing system, with special symbols, carved by reeds on wet clay tablets to represent things. It was called Cuneiform.



- LETTER III: (A business letter)




Import and Export

(London Office)

78, Princess Street EC6 8DK

Telephone: 01-875-1329

9 June 2002



Dear Mr. Melville

I am writing to ask for more information about your new summer clothing. Unfortunately, I could not go to your trade fashion show last weekend, it seems people became impressed by the selections of dresses displayed.

Could you send us your latest catalogue and price list, quoting your most competitive price?

We look forward to hearing from you soon.



Yours sincerely,

Christopher Rock

Chief Buyer.



Paul Melville

Sales Manager

Lowe Ltda 356, Street-Oxford M58 2LG








56 martin oak

London EC3V 6BH

Telephone 01-588 3784

e-address: lookmagazine@diginet.com



18th July 2005



Dear Mr. Brown

Thank you for your letter with the suggestions and complaints about our magazine. We are really sorry for the disruption that the delay in the delivery could have caused you. Our business administrator is taking the adequate actions in order to improve our delivery services.

We are honored that we are your preferred magazine and hope to continue receiving your suggestions.



Yours faithfully,

S. Grants

General Sales Director






- TASK: Look at this! Other forms of beginning and ending a letter:





Dear Sirs

–> To a company

Yours very truly,

Dear Sir/ Madam

–> To a person if you do not know his/her name

Yours faithfully,

Dear Mr/ Mrs/ Ms+surname

– > To a person you know the name

Yours very sincerely,

My dear…

– > To a friend or someone you know well




- TASK: The following expressions were used in the letters. Decide if you think they are more formal or informal and how you would say the same thing in letters in Portuguese.



- Dear…

- I‘ll talk about myself…

- Best wishes

- I am writing to…

- Could you send…

- We are really sorry…

- We look forward to hearing from you soon.

- Thank you for your letter.

- Sincerely yours

- We are honored…

- Yours faithfully

- Please do not take long to answer back.

- Love

- Would you mind…



·         Now it’s your turn. Answer back the Letter I. before writing the letter, answer the following questions in English.



- What do you like to do in your free time?

- How would you describe yourself?

- What places in Brazil would you like to show your foreign friend? Why?



·         Choose one of the following ads and write a letter similar to LETTER III, asking for more information about one of the courses. Find a real pen friend.




4 WEEKS English Course with accommodation

The Univertsity of Oakland

New Zealand




English Course with accommodation from US$ 2.468,00

Melbourne College

of English




4 WEEKS English Course with English Course with accommodation from US$ 2.468,00

Melbourne College

of English







PERÍODO: 13/02/2009 a 27/02/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (7ª e 8ª séries)



1) Introdução ao assunto “Estrangeirismos” - Foreign Words

            Conceituando Estrangeirismos (Site Pasquale)



2) Debate sobre a influência da Língua Inglesa em nossa língua materna




3) Leitura, interpretação, debates, tradução dos textos e desenvolvimento das TASKS abaixo:








Observe this following text wrote in Portuguese. Can you see a quite big number of English words?



“João da Silva teve um dia estressante. Enfrentou um rush danado e chegou atrasado ao meeting com o sales manager da empresa onde trabalha. Antes do workshop com o expert em top marketing, foi servido um brunch, mas a comida era muito light para sua fome. À tarde, plugou-se na rede e conseguiu dar um download em alguns softwares que precisava para preparar seu paper do dia seguinte. Deletou uns tantos arquivos, pegou sua pick-up e seguiu para o point onde estava marcada uma happy hour. Mais tarde, no flat, ligou para o delivery e traçou um milk shake e um hamburguer, enquanto assistia ao Non Stop na MTV. À noite, pôs sua camisa mais fashion, comprada num sale do shopping, e foi assistir a Shine no cinema. Voltou para o apart-hotel a tempo de ver um pedaço do seu talk-show preferido na TV…” www.pead.letras.ufrj.br/tema10/ estrangeirismos.html. On Line in January, 2005



How would our communication be without the English words that are used in our everyday?








Foreign words” are expressions used as language loans. People’s speech evolves aliens words and expressions to their own language. There are several types of “Foreign words”. In our case, we are talking about Anglicism. The English way of saying something. English words which were imported into Portuguese for example: milk shake, show, shopping center, rock and roll, spray, mouse, shorts, fast-food, skate, etc. Words like these are incorporated into our language. There are no words in Portuguese to replace them. And there are also foreign words that have been included in Portuguese such as: futebol, voleibol, tênis, deletar, escanear, checar, leiaute, estresse, etc.

Pasquale Cipro Neto, a Portuguese grammarian, conducted an interesting study of English words using passages of a song recorded by Lulu Santos, a Brazilian singer



“Toda forma de amor”

By Lulu Santos



                                   “Eu não pedi pra nascer

                                    eu nao nasci pra perder

                                    nem vou sobrar de vítima

                                    das circunstâncias

               Eu tô plugado na vida…”




- TASK: - What about doing an activity now?

Ask your teacher to divide the class into groups of four. Each group must clip as many English words as possible that have been incorporated into Portuguese and also English words that have already been adapted into Portuguese as well as pictures from magazines, newspapers, billboards, and labels in order to make a big poster.

During the break time, you and your classmates are going to display the poster you made and explain the meaning of the words or expressions you had collected to other school friends.








            First, we cannot think about language as if it were something ready, finished. In no way it is like this. Language is dynamic; it is in constant evolution and is also submitted to different changes. Second, we live in an open country to different cultures. And third, this is a time where everybody is concerned about globalization. This is very important because it shows that we are not isolated in the world. There is a continuous process of integration with the whole word, which is becoming smaller and smaller. This is very important for us because it improves our culture much more. But will the globalization reach all people in anywhere? About the conflicting aspects of the globalization, consult the books of Geography and Sociology.

            We left the Industrial Age and evolved into the Information Age. That is a great evolution for the whole society, demanding great changes and adaptation. What is on the top line today may be obsolete tomorrow. We are watching technological advances in every field, which are happening very fast, so we have to be aware because we can’t take the risk of being obsoletes. It’s a moment in history that knowledge is essential for everybody. Think about this. It’s worth while.

            We can notice that a great social change is happening. We are changing not only our behavior but also our language.

            Social changes are always happening and different theories, for example, the theory of modernization and the theory of post-industrial society have been discussed and tried to explain these significant social changes in our history.








In Brazil the language was imposed by Portugal. Most inhabitants of the colony spoke Tupi-Guarani (nheengatú or general language). In 1758 Marquis of Pombal, on behalf of the king Don José I, the Jesuit priests were forbidden to teach and to use Tupi in the whole national territory. The Jesuits were expelled from Portugal in 1759 and from Brazil in 1760.

With the arrival of the Royal Family, in 1808, the Portuguese became compulsory in Brazil.

The Portuguese language inherited words associated with flora and fauna from indigenous languages. Among these words were abacaxi (pineapple), mandioca (manioc flour), caju (cashew), tatu (armadillo) and piranha, the voracious fish, as well as proper and geographic names.

Portuguese language in Brazil received a new source of contributions with the influx of African slaves. The African influence came primarily from the iorubá spoken by slaves from Nigeria. Some of these words also found their way into Europe. Iorubá contributed with words connected to religion and the Afro-Brazilian cuisine and words such as caçula,meaning the youngest child, moleque, a street child and the dance samba were incorporated.

After Brazilian independence in 1822, Brazilian Portuguese became influenced by Europeans who immigrated to the central and southern parts of the country. This is the reason one finds in those areas variations in pronunciation and a few superficial lexical changes. These changes reflect the nationalities which immigrated to Brazil. Some examples of new words which were adapted into Portuguese are abajur, chofer, hotel, jardim, paisagem, vitral from the French; alegre, andante, confete, gazeta, macarrão, talharim, piano, mortadela, serenata, salame from the Italians; valsa, manequim, vermute, quartzo from the Germans; bolero, castanholas, gado, Moreno, galã, pandeiro from the Spanish.

From de mid 20th century on, after World War II, the Portuguese language began being influenced by the English language. Examples are futebol, bife, corner, pudim, reporter, sanduíche, piquenique.




On Line in September, 2005.



In the site below you can also check the whole law project and many more things related to Foreign Words. There is also a Contest about Foreign Words. Check it out. There are several expressions with explanations.






- TASK: MAKING A SURVEY - In new groups of four make a survey at school. Interview your classmates, teachers, director and the whole staff at school. Ask them if they are for or against the use of Foreign Words when expressing in Portuguese language. After that you must prepare a demonstrative chart showing the results of your survey. When you ask your friends for their opinions, the questions are going to be in Portuguese but the result of your survey must be in English.



- TASK: Do you remember the first activity you did? Now you are going to need that activity to developed this one. First, we have to divide the class into fourteen groups. Second, you have to get the words that you had collected and place them into categories. As there are fourteen categories, each group is going to be responsible for one category. When all the groups finish the task, they have to exchange ideas, in order that everybody can fill in their own charts. You can follow the table bellow:








Roast beef


Milk shake


CD Player








Rock and Roll



Cleaning products


Hygiene products


Types of dances

Street dance

Brands and labels

For Boys For Girls



- TASK: Make a ‘stop chart’ and draw a letter from a bag.  Think of as many as foreign words as possible to complete the chart. Now, let’s play stop.










Cleaning products


























































































Brand marks/ labels









Types of dances
















Which English do we learn at school? American English or British English? Is there any difference between American and British English?



ENGLISH THROUGHTOUT WORLD – BUILDING THE SCENARIO: Many of our doubts about English language are clarified when we study its history from its origin up to our modern time. We can understand, for example, how English language spread all over the world and why it is considered the language for international communication. We are also able to understand why there are variations in the oral and written English around the world.



- NORTH AMERICA                          -  C. AMERICA CARIBBEAN

- SOUTH AMERICA                          - EUROPE

- MIDDLE EAST                                  - ASIA

- AFRICA                                           - AUSTRALIA OCEANIA



- TASK: English is the official or co-official language of 47 countries. Can you locate some of them on the map? Look for India, Paquistan, Nigeria, Tanzania, New Zealand, Fiji, Swaziland, Ireland, Jamaica and Belize.



·       How many continents are these countries in?

·       Besides Portugal and Brazil, Portuguese is spoken in Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde Islands, Guinea-Bissau, Saint Thomas and Prince and Timor East. Con you locate them in the world map too?

·       If Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world, why do you think it isn’t the language for global communication?

·       Let’s compare how many English, Portuguese and Chinese speakers, as official languages, there are in the world.



                                OFFICIAL LANGUAGES:

- ENGLISH: 350 speakers countries

- PORTUGUESE: 197 speakers countries

- MANDARIM: 600 speakers countries



We are talking about English as an official language, but the number doubles when we consider English as a second or co-official language. Note:



                       SECOND OU CO-OFFICIAL LANGUAGES:

- ENGLISH: 700 speakers countries

- PORTUGUESE: 197 speakers countries

- MANDARIM: 600 speakers countries



There is no estimate about the number of people who speak English as a foreign language, due to the difficulty in measuring the speaker’s level of competence or fluency. But certainly it’s much more than 700 million people in the world.


                               FOREIGN LANGUAGE:

- ENGLISH: 1400 speakers countries

- PORTUGUESE: 197 speakers countries

- MANDARIM: 600 speakers countries



When you think of countries where the English language is spoken, you might think of the United States and England and maybe Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, which are countries that have been in the media due to sports, tourism or sociopolitical matters.

Actually, the history of English language has its roots in England, which is part of the United Kingdom:


- SCOTLAND              - NORTH EAST                        - NORTH WEST

- WALES                     - WEST MEADLANDS                        - EAST MIDLAND

- EASTERN                  - SOUTH WEST                                   - LONDON




The English language history begins with the Celts. The Celts lived in Europe, where Spain, France, German and England are located today, around 700 b.C. to 100 a.C. The Celts spoke many dialects. With the Roman Empire invasion to these regions around 55 b.C., Latin began influencing the Celt culture. The socioeconomical and political changes with new concepts brought new words. Few Celtic words survived, generally river names such as Thames (the most famous river in England).

Around 410 b.C., the Roman Empire left Britain because they did not have more military forces, so the Celts got weakened and faced an invasion of Germanic tribes (Jutes, Angles, Saxons and Frisians). The Celts were pushed to Wales and Scotland.

The Germanic were not concerned about preserving the Celtic culture, including their dialect. The dialect spoken by the Angles and Saxons originated the English language.

The name England derives from Angle-land.

The English language history comprises some periods. Note:



Old English      Middle English      Modern English

                        (500-1100)             (1000-1500)              (1500 till present days)



            Around 432 a.C. the Angles and Saxons were converted into Christianity then the Latin was introduced in the Anglo-Saxon dialect. The Latin alphabet was used for the writing system of English from this time on and new vocabulary, especially related to religion was introduced.

Thus, Old English is a blend of Angle-Saxon dialects, Scandinavian and Latin. It was a much more complicated language: there were a lot of verb conjugations and genre variations (male, female, neutral).



MIDDLE ENGLISH: In 1066 the Norman (from the North of France) conquered England after a great battle. During 300 years, the language used in England was French. Speaking French gave social status to the Angle-Saxon and it was useful to get advantages from the aristocracy. The French affected spelling and vocabulary of the English language. Note:



“The Germanic form of plurals (house, housen; shoe, shoen) was eventually displaced by the French method of making plurals: adding as an “s” (house, houses; shoe, shoes). Only a few words have retained their Germanic plurals: men, oxen, feet, teeth, children. French also affected spelling so that the “cw” sound came to be written as “qu” (eg. cween became queen). Because the English underclass cooked for the Norman upper class, the words for most domestic animals are English (ox, cow, calf, sheep, swine, deer) while the words for the meats derived from them are French (beef, veal, mutton, pork, bacon, venison).” (Source: katsiavriades, Kryss. The History and Origin of English language, available at: http://home.yawl.com.br/ hp/ sedycias/histing05.htm, accessed on 03/10/2005.



This could explain why sometimes English seems so strange!



- TASK: Look up the pronunciation table in a dictionary.

·         How many vowel sounds are there in English?

·         How many vowel sounds are there in Portuguese?

·         What can we conclude about our difficulty in pronouncing English words?



In order to learn how to speak English you have to practice like any other language. Understanding the target language and comparing it to the mother tongue are important actions to take.



MODERN ENGLISH: London became the political, social and economical center and the dialect spoken; there also became standard. The new postal system and press helped to establish the orthography in modern English.

The orthographic reforms, although have happened at the same time of the phonological ones, did not follow all the changes in phonetics. For this reason, the pronunciation and writing of modern English do not correspond to each other.

Shakespeare, a playwright and poet of the 16th century, also contributed to the English language formation, creating new words, phrases and sayings that did not exist before him, such as “To be or not to be”. Also, the publishing of the Bible translation, in 1640, was very important to the modern English.

From this time on, the language has been going through changes, but only in vocabulary, because the structure had already been fixed.

Therefore, six idioms spoken in England: Celtic, Latin, Old English, Norman French, Middle English and modern English.

Brazil was also colonized and had its culture mingled, thus its language transformed. Since Portuguese was the dominant language, the Indigenous languages weakened. In Brazilian history, the black slaves and immigrants also played important roles in the building of our culture and language.



- TASK: Let’s improve your English language skills:



·         In what way did the African, European and Asian immigrants influenced our language. Consider these issues: vocabulary, pronunciation and another aspect you might consider?

·         In Brazil, are there differences among people considering the usage of spoken Portuguese language through the country? Why?

·         Write a small glossary of Portuguese words, spoken differently regions of Brazil and their meanings.



Now fellas, let’s go on our trip mixing language, culture and history!








English immigrants, the pilgrims, arrived at the so called New World (America nowadays) in 1620 in their Mayflower1. The English language in the New World had been influenced by the indigenous native speakers and from the Spanish of the south adjacent regions colonized by Spain.

The eastern part of the continent became an English colony. The immigrants needed new words for the animals and plants there, thus new words were coined.

In 1776, the USA became independent. From this time on, American English language continued developing with the immigrants influences. They came from different places for economic, political or religious reasons.

In England, English language also continued developing. The British Empire grew reaching Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Asia and the English language became the language of government in many places.

The English spoken in the USA and England are the same. The verbs are conjugated the same way, the plural is done the same way etc. the variations are in vocabulary and a little in pronunciation due to many types of influences which came from the commerce, daily life and cultural aspects. Note some different vocabulary usage:



UNITED STATES                      ENGLAND                 PORTUGUESE

                           French Fries                                 chips                            Batatas fritas

                             Railroad                                  railway                             Rodovia

                            Gasoline                                   petrol                               Gasolina

                             Autumn                                    Fall                                 Outono

                           Drugstore                                Pharmacy                         Farmácia

                             Movies                                   Cinema                            Cinema

                               Store                                      shop                                Loja



1. Mayflower – The ship that took a group of English settlers to Plymouth, Massachussetts in the USA in 1620. Many of the settlers were religious and they were called the Pilgrim Fathers. In the US, people respect a person whose family “came over on a Mayflower”, but since very few people claim this, it is not unusual for people to tell jokes about it. (Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture).






Neither only the number of English speakers nor the historical and geographic aspects are there reasons for the English language as an international language. In addition to it, the Industrial Revolution in England and the political and economical power of the USA after the World War I and II, made the English language became the standard language for communication.

The industrial and technological advances contributed to this expansion in different fields, as in the air traffic control, sea navigation, computers, space technology and advertising. Let’s see this latter field of domination: the language of advertising.

Considering the homogeneous status of advertising, we can say that there’s a language of advertisement. Either in English or in Portuguese we can find these patterns. Look at what follows (the language):



·         Is simple, it goes straight to the point;

·         Includes images and symbols;

·         Is colorful and brings positive messages related to the product or service that it is advertising;

·         Uses a lot of the imperative verb forms and adjectives;

·         Tries to convince you of something.





The ads in the world helped spread what people call “the American Way of Life”. Concerning this expression, read the following definition:



“Literalmente, “modo de vida americano”. A expressão parece ter-se popularizado após a Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), quando os Estados Unidos da América, impôs a praticamente todo continente o seu modo de vida como o melhor, o mais correto, o único no fim das contas. Praticar o American Way of Life, ou equivalia então, a ter carro e um monte de eletrodomésticos dentro de casa, além de prezar os valores da vida de consume…” (FISHER, Luís Augusto. Dicionário de palavras e expresses estrangeiras. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 2004, p. 23).



- TASK: a) Answer in English:

·         Does the “American way of life” influence your life? How could it be?

·         Are you influenced by advertisements?

·         Do you consider yourself a heavy consumer? Why?

·         What kinds of products or services do you like to buy for pleasure?

·         What kinds of products or services do you like to buy for necessity?



b) Write an advertisement in English for an authentic Brazilian product.





PERÍODO: 02/03/2009 a 09/03/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries):



1) Levantamento de dados: Pesquisa e Aplicação de Questionário






1.      Por que aprender Inglês na escola?

2.      Você acha importante falar um outro idioma? Por quê?

3.      Você gosta da disciplina de Inglês?

4.      Como foi seu primeiro contato com o Inglês?

5.      Você se considera um bom aluno em Inglês?

6.      Que tipo de contato você tem com o Inglês no dia a dia?

7.      O que você gostaria de aprender nas aulas de Inglês?



2) Debate sobre as questões e respostas dos alunos

3) Elaboração de gráficos e planilhas referentes às respostas e considerações sobre a pesquisa.




PERÍODO: 10/03/2009 a 20/03/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries)



1) Apresentação da Página Virtual Wiki



A PÁGINA WIKI é uma ferramenta eletrônica para construção de PÁGINAS EDUCATIVAS NA WEB de fácil manejo e de uso exclusivo para os alunos. Ela permite que múltiplos usuários (definidos pelo professor) editem e alterem seu conteúdo através de um sistema de Login (ou seja, por meio de senha controlada). Os conteúdos trabalhados são definidos em sala e o professor estabelece um controle sobre o uso dos alunos, por meio de monitoração em e-mail, que alerta a cada 5 minutos ao professor sobre o que se está postando, a fim de que este possa acompanhar, passo a passo, o trabalho dos grupos bem como avaliar como e o que os seus alunos estão disponibilizando, em termos de conteúdo de Inglês, na web.

Tudo na WIKI é controlado rigorosamente pela professora, que atua como uma TUTORA VIRTUAL; além disso, se algum grupo vier a postar algo que esteja fora à temática e aos objetivos da atividade e do Projeto, seu grupo automaticamente é excluído da comunidade virtual WIKI, pelo próprio professor. Esta é uma maneira de controlar a qualidade dos conteúdos postados e sua interação aos objetivos propostos.

As páginas WIKI são públicas e a construção das páginas web dentro da WIKI é feita de forma colaborativa, isto é, os alunos, em grupos organizados em sala, através de orientação direta da professora/tutora, manusearão somente conteúdos da disciplina de Inglês, aprendendo a trabalhar coletivamente. O endereço para consulta é: <www.pbwiki.com>, sendo a WIKI do Colégio Estadual Vila Liberdade: <http//www.pbwiki.com> e a WIKI da disciplina de Inglês, monitorada pela professora/tutora Geane Poteriko: <http//gepoteriko.pbwiki.com>

Esta é uma forma de oportunizar, na escola, o acesso às novas tecnologias e novas modalidades educacionais trazidas pelas chamadas TICs, que são as Tecnologias da Educação – atuais tendências educacionais em destaque e utilizadas como materiais didáticos e com fins estritamente pedagógicos.



2) Slides expositivos com Capturas de Tela 9Print Screen) da Página Wiki



3) Criação de e-mail individual aos alunos

Para iniciar a atividade com os alunos, primeiramente foi feita, em aula no Laboratório de Informática,  a criação de um e-mail (gmail) para a interação no trabalho com a Página Educativa Wiki e posterior postagem das atividades desenvolvidas no site http//gepoteriko.pbworks.com/.



4) Atividades em grupo com os textos explicativos da Página Wiki

            Os alunos de cada turma foram separados em 8 grupos, sendo que cada grupo recebeu um dos textos abaixo, que deveriam ser estudados e explicados posteriormente aos demais colegas da sala na forma de apresentação.





- PBWIKI E-MAIL 1: Approval to join gepoteriko



De: PBwiki (do-not-reply@pbwiki.com)

Enviada: quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009 21:13:34

Para: gepoteriko@hotmail.com



            Hi Geane Poteriko,

            You just requested access to http://gepoteriko.pbwiki.com.

            Good news! You already have access to this wiki. Log in here:


            Thanks, Your PBwiki Team

PS-If you don't remember your password, just reset your password here.



- PBWIKI E-MAIL 2: User password recovery for Pbwiki



De: PBwiki (do-not-reply@pbwiki.com)

Enviada: quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009 21:29:44

Para: gepoteriko@hotmail.com



            Hi! Someone (hopefully you) has requested a password change for your account on PBwiki. If this wasn't you, Don't worry, we haven't done anything. If this *was* you, then click the link below to change your password.


            Note that for your security, once you've changed your password this link won't work. We hope you continue to enjoy PBwiki! Tell all your friends! :)

            Cheers,  The PBwiki Team

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- PBWIKI E-MAIL 3: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 1 of 6 - Now, edit your wiki



De: Kristine -- The PBwiki Team (do-not-reply@pbwiki.com)

Enviada: quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009 18:53:05

Para: gepoteriko@hotmail.com




            Hi again,  This is Kristine from PBwiki, and today I’m going to show you how easy it is to edit your wiki and create new pages.

            The more you edit your wiki, the more likely it is to succeed. Editing your wiki is just like editing your usual word-processing software -- only it's online, and easier.

·          Log in to your wiki at my.pbwiki.com and chose gepoteriko.

·          Click "Edit page" at the top of your wiki. Type "Hello world!" on the page and click "Save."

Your wiki is updated!

Click here to see a video demonstration on how to edit your wiki.

            Stay tuned, tomorrow we will discuss how to create new pages and link pages together.

            Thanks! Kristine (The PBWiki Team)

PS:* Want more help getting started? View video demonstrations, sign up for live training and get exact instruction from our PBwiki Support Center. PBwiki Support Center .This e-mail was sent to gepoteriko@hotmail.com. Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings. © 2007 PBwiki, Inc. All rights reserved. PBwiki is a registered trademark of PBwiki, Inc.1825 S Grant St, Suite 850. San Mateo, CA 94402-7041






- PBWIKI E-MAIL 4: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 2 of 6 - Build navigation



De: Kristine -- The PBwiki Team (do-not-reply@pbwiki.com)

Enviada: quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2009 18:53:04

Para: gepoteriko@hotmail.com




            Hi! This is Kristine from the PBwiki team, and this is the 2nd in a 6-part series. Today I'm going to walk you through creating new pages and linking them together in your wiki.

            How to create new pages: Log in to your wiki at my.pbwiki.com and chose gepoteriko.

·          Click "Create new page" at the top of your wiki

- Type "English Syllabus" into the page title and click "Create new page"

- Once you type something on the page (anything! It's ok!), click "Save"

Link pages together: To navigate from one page to another, you'll want to link pages together. (Unlinked pages are called "orphans," and that's no fun.)

Go to your wiki's front page and click "Edit"

1.      Type "English Syllabus"

2.      Select the text and click the "Insert link" button (the world icon on your tool bar)

3.      Choose "Link to wiki page" and locate "English Syllabus"

4.      Once you click "Ok" and "Save," you'll see that your page now links to your English Syllabus page.

            You can now set up as many pages as you want and link them together!

View a video demonstration on how to create a new page and link to your home page.

            Stay tuned, Tomorrow we will discuss 3 easy ways to prepare a wiki for your students.

            Thanks! Kristine (The PBWiki Team)

PS:* Questions? Check out the PBwiki Support Center to get started with videos, training materials and more! This e-mail was sent to gepoteriko@hotmail.com. Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings. © 2007 PBwiki, Inc. All rights reserved. PBwiki is a registered trademark of PBwiki, Inc. 1825 S Grant St, Suite 850. San Mateo, CA 94402-7041



- PBWIKI E-MAIL 5: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 3 of 6 - Engage your class



De: Kristine -- The PBwiki Team (do-not-reply@pbwiki.com)

Enviada: sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009 18:53:05

Para: gepoteriko@hotmail.com




            Hi there, It's Kristine from the PBwiki team, and today I'm going to share some of the best tips for preparing your wiki for your students. Log into your wiki to follow along. Go to My.PBwiki.com and chose gepoteriko.

            Give Students Clear Instructions: To make sure your students understand how to engage with this new online resources make sure you post clear directions om the front page.

·       Add student assignments and instructions on the front page.

·       Treat your wiki front page as a short introduction with links to other pages.

·       Type a few bullet points and create links to the pages (to link, edit a page, select the text, and click "Insert Link").

·       If you have handouts, create a page called "Handouts" and upload the files there.

            Next, use a creative activity to engage your students on your wiki. Here are three examples:

            - Individual pages- Ask each student to create a wiki page, posting information about their interests and what they hope to learn from the class. Be sure to comment on the pages, and engage them by referencing their personal interests in discussions. Use this as an easy icebreaker to have students get to know each other.

            - Online spelling list – Create a page titled ‘Spelling’ and post your spelling list. Ask students to post the definition or upload a corresponding image.

            - Class notes - Each week assign one student to write up the class notes, including important points and class discussion. Be sure to comment on the notes, and add additional insight from the lesson.

For more ideas see how other educators have used wikis in their classroom.

Check out our public directory of Educational wikis.

            Thanks! Kristine (The PBwiki Team)

* See example educational wikis and learn what other teachers, librarians and administrative staff have done. PBwiki Public Directory This e-mail was sent to gepoteriko@hotmail.com. Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings. © 2007 PBwiki, Inc. All rights reserved. PBwiki is a registered trademark of PBwiki, Inc. 1825 S Grant St, Suite 850. San Mateo, CA 94402-7041



- PBWIKI E-MAIL 6: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 4 of 6 - Monitor Student Activity



De: Kristine -- The PBwiki Team (do-not-reply@pbwiki.com)

Enviada: sábado, 21 de março de 2009 18:53:05

Para: gepoteriko@hotmail.com




            Hi again, Today we’re going to talk about how you can keep track of what your students are doing on your wiki. It’s important to know how to what information your students have put online – so we’ve made it easy to monitor wiki activity and find what you’re looking for.

            Email Notifications: PBwiki tracks every edit made to your wiki page and then sends you email notifications when changes are made. You can change your notification setting to receive changes immediately—or not at all. Here’s how:

1)      Go to My.PBwiki.com

2)      Scroll down to the box titled “Preferences” and to change your notification setting.

Page History: Every edit you make on your wiki is saved – this means that you always know who edited the wiki and when it was changed. If your students accidentally delete your work or upload inappropriate content – you immediately know who did it and you can reverse the changes. Here’s how:

1)      Log in at My.PBwiki.com and choose gepoteriko

2)      Click the page history link on the top of your wiki page.

Watch a video demonstration on how to compare edits, and change back to a previous version of your page

            Search: Once you have a lot of content on your wiki, search makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. You can search by keyword to find text, pages, tags and even comments. The search box is located on the top right hand panel of your wiki. Try it today!

            Tomorrow, we'll discuss how to create private pages on your wiki.

            Thanks! Kristine (The PBwiki Team )

This e-mail was sent to gepoteriko@hotmail.com. Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings. © 2007 PBwiki, Inc. All rights reserved. PBwiki is a registered trademark of Pbwiki,Inc.1825 S Grant St, Suite 850. San Mateo, CA 94402-7041





- PBWIKI E-MAIL 7: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 5 of 6 - Create private pages



De: Kristine -- The PBwiki Team (do-not-reply@pbwiki.com)

Enviada: domingo, 22 de março de 2009 18:53:06

Para: gepoteriko@hotmail.com




            Hi again, Welcome to day 5 of our 6-day series. Now that you know how to track your students work, I'm going to share how to create private pages and lock your pages from others on your wiki.

            - Hideable pages allow you to create private content on your wiki - this is great if you are developing a syllabus or group project on the wiki, but aren't yet ready to share it with your class.

            - Lockable pages let you place information on your wiki, and lock it from future edits. Use this to post assignments that you don't want your students to edit.

            How to Hide and Lock pages.

1.      Log in to your wiki at my.pbwiki.com and chose gepoteriko.

2.      Look to the right-had side of your wiki there are three options:

·       Put this page in a folder

·       Add Tags

·       Page Security

3.      Chose Page Security

4.      Chose to Hide or Lock your page.

View a video demonstration on how to create hidden and locked pages.

            Tomorrow we will discuss how to add multimedia on your wiki.

            Thanks! Kristine (The PBwiki Team)

PS: * Check out more amazing ideas for your wiki! Advanced Multimedia Tools This e-mail was sent to gepoteriko@hotmail.com. Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings. © 2007 PBwiki, Inc. All rights reserved. PBwiki is a registered trademark of PBwiki, Inc. 1825 S Grant St, Suite 850. San Mateo, CA 94402-7041



- PBWIKI E-MAIL 8: PBwiki Quick Start - Day 6 of 6 - Put multimedia on your wiki!



De: Kristine (PBwiki Team) (support@pbwiki.com)

Enviada: segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2009 18:53:06

Para: gepoteriko@hotmail.com




            Hi there, This is day 6 of our 6-day series.

            Today, we'll cover using multimedia in your wiki.

            Video, audio, and chat rooms, oh my!

            You can insert all kinds of multimedia applications on your wiki with just a few clicks. Let's insert a sample video:

            Upload your video to Teachertube.com

1.      Copy the embed code to your video

2.      Go to your wiki (http://gepoteriko.pbwiki.com)

3.      While editing, click "Insert Plugin" and choose the "You Tube" plugin. Paste your embed code and save your page.

            Some of our most popular plugins: The Calendar plugin lets you insert a shared calendar for setting dates and milestones for your classroom/library

·       Chat rooms let your students or staff communicate with each other. This is a great additional way for you and your students to collaborate

Here's a special way to get free storage space: Because of a special arrangement with a third party, if you upload your videos through our Video plugin (or embed through YouTube), your videos won't consume wiki storage space.

            Inserting images: Inserting images is easy: While editing a page, use the "Insert Links" box on the right side of the page. Remember, all of this is free with your PBwiki.

            Try it out today by editing a page: - Log in at my.pbwiki.com and chose gepoteriko.

            Thanks! Kristine (Your PBwiki Team)

PS--3 ideas to use your PBwiki for: Showcasing student multimedia work, encouraging different collaboration by chat rooms, setting up a shared calendar for test dates.

* Check out more amazing tools your can embed into your wiki -- polls, google gadgets and more! Advanced Multimedia Tools  This e-mail was sent to gepoteriko@hotmail.com. Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings.© 2007 PBwiki, Inc. All rights reserved. PBwiki is a registered trademark of PBwiki, Inc. 1825 S Grant St, Suite 850. San Mateo, CA 94402-7041




PERÍODO: 23/03/2009 a 03/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS ( 7ª e 8ª séries)



1) Exemplificações de estrangeirismos presentes na nossa língua e confecção de cartazes.

2) Separação e orientação dos grupos para trabalho.

3)  Resumo das atividades do projeto e esclarecimentos.



















QUESTION 1: How would our communication be without the English words that are used in our everyday?

QUESTION 2: What means “Foreign Words”? Show exemples.

QUESTION 3: Are you for or against the use of Foreign Words when expressing in Portuguese language? Explain it.





TASK1: POSTERS You must make a big poster about “Foreign Words”, which are incorporated into Portuguese and also English words adapted into Portuguese (use pictures of magazines, newspapers, billboards, and labels etc).



TASK2: POSTERS - Each group must to make a big poster about this subject: “In your opinion, why Portuguese is influenced by English language?”



TASK3: POSTERS WITH A DEMONSTRATIVE CHART AND SURVEY- The groups will make a survey at school: Interview your classmates, teachers, director and the whole staff at school about they are for or against the use of Foreign Words when expressing in Portuguese language. After that you must prepare a demonstrative chart showing the results of your survey.



TASK 4: POSTERS WITH TABLE (CHART) - You have to get the words that you had collected in the TASK1 and place them into categories, like the exemples of the table (chart) that the English Teacher give to you (see the Project “Foreign Words”).



TASK 5: STOP CHART: Make a ‘stop chart’: Think of as many as foreign words as possible to complete the chart (see the table that the Teacher show you).



_.:♥:._ GOOD LUCK! Teacher  Gєαиє Pσtєяїkσ _.:♥:._





PERÍODO: 06/04/2009 a 17/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries)



1) Procedimento para Autorização dos pais/responsáveis para o uso da Wiki






Por meio deste, gostaríamos de pedir AUTORIZAÇÃO para que seus(as) filhos(as) possam trabalhar na escola, durante as aulas de Inglês, ministradas pela Professora Geane Poteriko, com a PÁGINA WIKI, que é uma ferramenta eletrônica para construção de PÁGINAS EDUCATIVAS NA WEB de fácil manejo e de uso exclusivo para os alunos. Ela permite que múltiplos usuários (definidos pelo professor) editem e alterem seu conteúdo através de um sistema de Login (ou seja, por meio de senha controlada). Os conteúdos trabalhados são definidos em sala e o professor estabelece um controle sobre o uso dos alunos, por meio de monitoração em e-mail, que alerta diariamente o professor sobre o que se está postando, a fim de que este possa acompanhar, passo a passo, o trabalho dos grupos bem como avaliar como e o que os seus alunos estão disponibilizando, em termos de conteúdo de Inglês, na web.

Ressalto, aqui, que estes conteúdos são relativos às atividades desenvolvidas em sala de aula, inseridos na temática desenvolvida pelo Projeto “FOREIGN WORDS – Estrangeirismos”, que vem sendo trabalhado no Colégio, pela professora Geane Poteriko, desde o primeiro dia de aula de Língua Inglesa. Tudo na WIKI é controlado rigorosamente pela professora, que atua como uma TUTORA VIRTUAL; além disso, se algum grupo vier a postar algo que esteja fora à temática e aos objetivos da atividade e do Projeto, seu grupo automaticamente é excluído da comunidade virtual WIKI, pelo próprio professor. Esta é uma maneira de controlar a qualidade dos conteúdos postados e sua interação aos objetivos propostos.

As páginas WIKI são públicas, e dessa forma os senhores pais que possuem acesso à Internet poderão estar acompanhando dia a dia o trabalho de seus(as) filhos(as). Além disso, a construção das páginas web dentro da WIKI é feita de forma colaborativa, isto é, os alunos, em grupos organizados em sala, através de orientação direta da professora/tutora, manusearão somente conteúdos da disciplina de Inglês, aprendendo a trabalhar coletivamente. O endereço para consulta é: <http//gepoteriko.pbworks.com>

Senhores pais, ressalto, por fim, que TODOS OS CONTEÚDOS ensinados nas aulas de Inglês estão disponíveis para consulta nesta página WIKI, o que permitirá uma maior facilidade de acesso por parte dos alunos e também possibilitará um acompanhamento direto, em casa, dos senhores pais sobre as atividades desenvolvidas e realizadas por seus(as) filhos(as) na escola. Esta é uma forma de oportunizar, na escola, o acesso de seus(as) filhos(as) às novas tecnologias e novas modalidades educacionais trazidas pelas chamadas TICs, que são as Tecnologias da Educação – atuais tendências educacionais em destaque em nosso país - utilizadas como materiais didáticos e com fins estritamente pedagógicos.

Solicito, portanto, sua AUTORIZAÇÃO para que seu(a) filho(a) esteja veiculando informações e imagens dos seus trabalhos da disciplina de Língua Inglesa na página WIKI, com total monitoração da professora/tutora e com fins totalmente educativos. Com isso, pretendo, enquanto professora de Inglês, despertar em seu(a) filho(a) um maior interesse pelo aprendizado desta Língua Estrangeira, auxiliando-os em seu desenvolvimento e aprendizagem eficaz.

Coloco-me à disposição para maiores esclarecimentos, e também para conversar, juntamente à Equipe Pedagógica da escola, sobre o desempenho escolar de seu(a) filho(a).






(     ) AUTORIZO MEU(A) FILHO(A) ________________________________________ A UTILIZAR A WIKI.

(     ) NÃO AUTORIZO MEU(A) FIKHO(A)___________ ________________________ A UTILIZAR A WIKI.



ASSINATURA: _________________________________________________ EM: ____/04/2009







               EU, _______________________________, aluno da ___ série, do Colégio Estadual Vila Liberdade, COMPROMETO-ME a utilizar, nas aulas de Inglês, ministradas pela Professora Geane Poteriko, a PÁGINA WIKI somente de forma educativa, sendo os conteúdos definidos em sala pela professora, sob o seu controle, por meio de monitoração via e-mail. Postarei, na página WIKI, apenas assuntos relativos aos trabalhos de Língua Inglesa desenvolvidos em sala de aula, estando ciente de que poderei ser excluído da comunidade virtual WIKI caso eu descumpra as regras de uso e venha a postar atividades, conteúdos e/ou imagens degradativas e não-pedagógicas, ou mesmo sem objetivos educativos e fora da temática desenvolvida no PROJECT FOREIGN WORDS – ESTRANGEIRISMOS.

 Seguirei atentamente a todas as orientações da Professora/Tutora e manusearei a página WIKI coletivamente, com meu grupo, e de forma sensata, criativa e instrucional, visando o meu desenvolvimento no aprendizado da Língua Inglesa.



ASSINATURA DOS PAIS OU RESPONSÁVEIS: ____________________________ EM: ___/04/2009




2) Execução das atividades com os alunos no Laboratório de Informática com a Página WIKI.



3) Pesquisa sobre o uso de estrangeirismos, levantamento de dados e elaboração de gráficos e planilhas.




PERÍODO: 20/04/2009 a 22/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries)



1) Entrega dos trabalhos concluídos (Textos traduzidos e Tasks 1 a 5/ Cartazes).



GEOGRAFIA (6ª e 8ª séries)



2) Entrega dos trabalhos: Países europeus – Cartazes





PERÍODO: 23/04/2009 a 29/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (7ª e 8ª séries)



1) Apresentação dos grupos e exposição dos trabalhos, na forma de Academia (Seminário)






DATA: 29/04/2009

LEM – INGLÊS (6ª, 7ª e 8ª séries)


1) Exposição de todos os trabalhos à escola em mural expositivo e conclusão do Projeto


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